Being Intentional With Your Gift
A wise friend once told me that “a blog is a creative testimony of your life.”
Where does one begin in sharing pieces of themselves with the world? What’s the intention behind it? These are the questions I’ve been asking myself and praying about in regards to blogging. I miss writing and having a place to publish my thoughts but life has changed so much since I started musing about my hair, music and whatever else tickled my fancy. What is going on with me that feels important to share and will affect others? Then I realize, I'm not the only person to ask themselves that. We critique ourselves so much and minimize the importance and value of our gifts and purpose.
I think of the parable of the talents Jesus shared and how one man just buried his while the others went out and multiplied what they had. The multiplication wasn’t just for their benefit but for others. Our talents, skills and gifts are to be utilized and shared with the world so that others’ purposes are impacted. I’m not here trying to be an inspirational guru, I just know that I’m doing a disservice to my Creator if I sit on the gifts He has bestowed on me.
I pray about a word for each new year to set the tone for my goals and dreams. Intentionality is my 2019 word which is the fact of being deliberate or purposive. It seemed somewhat off at the time to have that be my word because obviously you have to be intentional in going after the goals you set. As I sat with it, I saw what it meant for me this year. It was challenging me to be more self aware, present in each moment and in each goal I set. Really living purposefully, not just for me but for others. I actually wrote down “writing more” as a goal for 2019. I think January Allison purposely left it vague so that December Allison couldn’t chastise her. Honestly, I have been writing more but only in my journals. Now is the time to move from the pages of my journal to the posts of this blog. What good is the goal if I’m not being intentional with it to serve others?
So I’ll be writing more…. Here in this space. Sharing bits and pieces of myself that hopefully empower and encourage whoever comes across my words. Just like my wise friend, who through his gift of encouragement, multiplied it by inspiring me to share my gift.
What gifts, talents or skills do you have that you’ve been burying due to fear?
How can you be intentional with it to serve others?
What is your creative testimony?
Share your responses in the comments!
Also, follow me on instagram @allisonmiche